What is the NeoGraft System?
West End Hair Restoration Center is committed to helping men regain their confidence using the NeoGraft system.
The FDA-approved treatment is minimally invasive, and recovery time is minimal, unlike some other hair loss treatments. NeoGraft involves harvesting healthy follicles and transplanting them to the affected areas on the scalp. The healthy follicles continue to grow after being transplanted, filling in areas where hair loss is noticeable.
Best of all, the treatment lasts for the rest of your life.
Advantages of the NeoGraft System
The NeoGraft system has multiple advantages over other hair loss treatments that remove large patches of hair.
Men are less likely to experience complications associated with stripping hair from the body. Bleeding and damage to the nerves and blood vessels are rare. There also isn’t any scarring that you might want to hide with your hair.
The lack of sutures results in a faster recovery time with less pain and discomfort.
Are You a Good Candidate for the NeoGraft System?
Men experiencing thinning hair or who have bald patches are typically excellent candidates for the NeoGraft system Guys missing hair from burns and trauma can also benefit from the treatment.
Guys with healthy hair on the back or sides of their heads are also good candidates. As long as there are healthy hair follicles for transplanting, you can benefit from the NeoGraft system.
Contact the West End Hair Restoration Center to Learn More About NeoGraft
Located in Washington, D.C., the West End Hair Restoration Center specializes in hair loss. Along with treating men, the center also treats hair loss in women.
To learn more about the NeoGraft system and to find out if the treatment is right for you, contact the center online or call the center at 202-785-4187.