Tired of Your Patchy Beard? Try NeoGraft for Facial Hair

Skincare,,Beard,Grooming,And,Portrait,Of,Man,On,Blue,BackgroundJust like the hair on your head, facial hair varies from person to person. Some people have naturally full and thick beards, while others are patchier and thinner than is typically common. Thankfully, for those men who are unsatisfied with the patchiness of their beards, there is a treatment that can help—NeoGraft® for facial hair.

NeoGraft for facial hair is a specialized variant of the effective and proven hair restoration technique known as NeoGraft. To keep it simple, the NeoGraft for facial hair works by taking hair from the back of your head and transplanting it to the areas of your beard that could use some rejuvenation. Here’s what that could mean for you:

Filling In Thinning or Patching Facial Hair

As you may have guessed, patchy and thinning bears are the most common reason men seek NeoGraft for facial hair. These issues can arise for a number of reasons. Though genetics is often the most significant determinator, aging can also cause beards to begin thinning. This is also true of hormonal imbalances.

Rejuvenating Areas With Bald Spots and Scars

The patchiness of your beard may also be the result of some form of external factor, such as an accident or medical condition. Though sometimes the scars and spaces left behind by these incidents can be grown over naturally, for those cases in which that doesn’t occur, NeoGraft for facial hair is the perfect solution.

Assisting With Slow Facial Hair Growth

NeoGraft for facial hair helps stimulate hair growth in the treated areas for a lifetime. This promotes a better and healthier level of hair growth that is bound to help those with slow facial hair growth in addition to the other issues described above.

NeoGraft for Facial Hair at West End Hair Restoration

If you’re ready to live life with the full and luscious beard you deserve, reach out to our team of doctors—Drs. Lexie Wang and Paul G. Ruff IV—and hair restoration professionals at 202-785-4187. Their expertise and experience with NeoGraft hair restoration techniques have made them some of the most renowned specialists in the area.

Operating out of Washington, DC, as part of the already renowned West End Plastic Surgery team, we proudly offer NeoGraft for facial hair to all of our surrounding DMV areas.


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